About us

About us

Lægerne på Amagertorv is run and owned by Doctor Pia Boman and Doctor Puk Laugen. 

In addition, you can meet our other doctors, doctors in training, midwives, assistants, secretaries and students. 


We currently have 5 midwives employed. 

Medical students 

In our clinic we have a team of 13 medical students. They are among other things answering our phones ad taking blood samples from our patients.

Doctors in training

Our doctors in training will typically be in our clinic in periods of 6 to 12 months. 

To learn more about their education please refer to the image below (in Danish): 

Dear patients,

The clinic now offers a wide range of travel vaccinations. You can read more on this page: Travel vaccinations

Happy holidays

The Doctors at Amagertorv