Breastfeeding classes

2 x 60 min. Maximum 8-10 persons

What to expect from breastfeeding classes

Expect a small class of about six-eight women and partneres. You will learn about different breastfeeding positions and the course also include powerpoints and some ‘practice’ on a doll.

Your class covers:

  • First Lach
  • Breastfeeding positions and how to get your baby to latch on
  • Basic guide to how breastfeeding works
  • Best ways to establish a good milk supply
  • How to know if your baby is getting enough milk
  • What to do if any complications or problems come
  • Pain when breastfeeding
  • Mastitis – What to do?

Dear patients,

The clinic now offers a wide range of travel vaccinations. You can read more on this page: Travel vaccinations

Happy holidays

The Doctors at Amagertorv