COVID-19- What to do if you have symptoms

ByLægerne på Amagertorv

COVID-19- What to do if you have symptoms

If you develop symptoms and are unsure whether it is COVID-19, you should act as if you are infected with novel coronavirus, as follows:

  1. Self-isolate
  2. Practise good hygiene
  3. Make sure to clean thoroughly
  4. Call your doctor for an assessment and perhaps to get a referral, even if your symptoms are mild

How do I self-isolate?

The most important way of preventing the spread of infection is through ensuring that people infected with novel coronavirus self-isolate. If you have symptoms, there is no way of knowing whether you are infected with novel coronavirus until you have been tested. It is therefore important that you self- isolate until you have been tested and have the test result.

Self-isolation guidance:

  • Stay at home, that is in your own home or in your own garden so that you do not risk coming into close contact with other people. Do not go to work or public areas, not even to go shopping etc. Ask others to do your shopping for you, take your dog for a walk etc. If you order food and other essentials for home delivery, make sure that deliveries are left outside your front door. Do not allow visitors to enter your home. Use the phone or video calls to talk to other people. It is particularly important to avoid all contact with people who are at risk of severe illness from COVID-19 (see

In many communities, local initiatives have been launched to support those in need. Check to see if such support is available in your local area. You can also contact ‘Røde Kors Corona Hjælpenetværk’ on tel. 35 29 96 60 or visitælp.

  • Avoid close contact with other members of your household. This is particularly important if you live with someone who is at risk of severe illness from COVID-19.  

Avoid close physical contact such as kissing and hugging and keep a distance of at least two metres. Avoid sleeping together and avoid spending too long in the same room. Ideally use a separate toilet/bathroom. If you only have one toilet/bathroom, you should make sure to clean all surfaces after use, e.g. by disinfecting toilet seats, basins and taps before they are used by other members of your household.

About the author

Lægerne på Amagertorv administrator

Dear patients,

Wednesday 15th Jan. There is unfortunately illness among our staff, and therefore fewer time slots available. We will prioritize patients with acute illnesses.

Thank you for your understanding

The Doctors at Amagertorv